As a university with a global perspective, we encourage our students to think beyond Baltimore, to see themselves as citizens of the world.

Each year, hundreds of Hopkins undergrads spend a semester (or a year) abroad, in Paris or Tokyo, Barcelona or Buenos Aires, Nanjing or dozens of other destinations around the globe.

Some recent excursions:

Composite image of each of the Fulbright winners interviewed for this article
Fulbright grants in action
Published Feb 13, 2024
Six Hopkins Fulbright grantees discuss how they’re making an impact abroad and what has been the most rewarding part of their experience

Most students study abroad as juniors, but depending on your major, sophomore or senior years are options, too. And for students who can’t study abroad for an entire semester, there are specialized international programs offered during the summer or Intersession (recent destinations include Cuba, Dublin, Florence, Ecuador, and Japan).

Learn more: Global Education Office