Explore the Department

students at a table while professor talks

Undergraduate Program

Undergraduates study the impact of science and medicine from a broad historical and social perspective.

three students examining documents in class

Graduate Program

The graduate program is an internationally recognized center for teaching and research.

faculty wilson in t-shirt, lecture, in front of two students


Study with faculty whose research areas include history of architecture, science and exploration, environmentalism, and science and religion.

News & Announcements

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Improving America’s Archives

Allison Marsh ’08 PhD uses historical objects to teach the public about the history of science and technology, and get them more excited about archives and civic engagement.

Professor Lawrence Principe to be Department Chair

Professor Lawrence Principe was ceremoniously presented with the Department’s “chair” at our end of the year reception by our current Chair, Professor Maria Portuondo.   Thank you Professor Portuondo for serving […]